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Empower your edge nodes the right way

Collect PLC and Machine Data

And external sensors or connect older equipment (that could be digital or analogue) and manage it remotely through a web interface, to integrate with any and all systems.

Data Security First

Wimera ReMON equipment and our platform ensures that your infrastructure stays secure. This includes regular security updates for known exploits and tools that help you manage your data.

Smart Factory AI

Artificial Intelligence tailored for your manufacturing operations

Enabling a true smart factory

It doesn’t matter if you are one user or a multi-location manufacturing operation, Wimera Smart Factory AI allows you to utilize advanced AI/ML models that work for you and your industry, maximizing the utility of your data.

Deeper actionable insights

The data collected by ReMON DAQ, is tightly integrated with Wimera Smart Factory AI, allowing full use of it’s analytics engine for smart factory operations. You want to lower costs, increase output, no problem, we’ll get you there.

Smart Factory Suite

Put your data to work for you ...

Real time analytics

Process and analyze your factory data and make your data work for you with pre-built workflows that are tailored for your industry. Configure KPIs that are meaningful for your operations.

Data integration

Connect with your existing BI or enterprise tools, storage and services in real-time to create workflows and feedback loops that help you optimize your enterprise.